NO EGO: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Workplace Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results
Cy Wakeman, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace and Reality-Based Leadership.
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The average employee spends 2.5 hours per day on drama.
Ego-driven behaviors are the #1 source of drama in workplaces today, and it’s costing organizations billions annually. The philosophy of “perfecting the environment” to create employee engagement just feeds the ego and generates huge amounts of drama and emotional waste. It is high time for a modern leadership philosophy that provides simple tools and techniques to eliminate drama from our organizations, deliver up employees who say yes to what’s next, and cultivate accountability, not engagement, to drive big business results.
New research is suggesting that our current leadership and HR philosophies are fueling drama, rather than ditching it.
For over 25 years, Cy Wakeman has brought her Reality-Based philosophy to hundreds of organizations to help with an inefficiency that is costing billions of dollars annually – drama. Alongside that qualitative experience consulting, new research shows that the average employee spends two hours and twenty minutes per day in drama.
Sounds shocking, right?
What’s even more staggering is that leaders are reporting that they have ample leadership training programs and initiatives, yet, ego-based resistance to change, employee disengagement, lack of alignment to strategic initiatives and the lack of buy-in is on the rise in today’s workplace.
In fact, the current work experience is so full of drama that it’s seen as normal – a forgone cost in today’s complex business environments. What if, through your leadership, this time and energy lost to drama could be re-commissioned and put towards the value that talent is intended to provide?
Imagine the hero you’d be…
So what is drama exactly? It is emotional waste. With any other waste in the workplace, organizations work hard on process improvement to eliminate it. How can emotional waste be eliminated? Good mental process improvement.
The role of a leader is no longer to motivate, inspire or improve morale but to, instead, facilitate the use of better mental processes by creating what Cy calls, “No Ego Moments.” Along with redefining the role of modern leaders, No Ego reveals new leadership truths and provides proven tools and techniques to, in the moment, disrupt thinking, bypass ego, spur self-reflection, and help people develop the capacity to move more skillfully into reality.
Peace and happiness are not illusive in the workplace. As egos are put to bed, emotional waste is eliminated. Innovation and collaboration become the natural state and work becomes less effortful and more joyful.
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“Cy Wakeman does a great job in illustrating how leaders can build a workplace free of drama and full of accountability – the true amplifier of one’s strengths.”
“Cy’s philosophy is important for business leaders to understand – if you don’t invest in the right tools to empower your people, you’re going to lose.”
“This is the most effective, productive and practical solution any business leader would want. I cannot tell you how much money, time and emotional waste has been saved because of Cy’s philosophy. She can transform any culture to help the willing revolutionize consistent and constant change.”
“In Cy Wakeman’s new book, “No Ego” she brilliantly explains how often the ego gets in a leader’s way of truly calling their teams to greatness. Using her expertise in psychology, Cy shows leaders simple tools they can use – instantly – to diffuse drama, cultivate accountability and deliver game-changing business results. Leaders looking to remain relevant in the future can’t miss this modern leadership approach.”
“Anyone hoping to adopt a more modern approach to leadership should read this book. Cy Wakeman dismantles conventional HR and Leadership conventional wisdom and provides thought-provoking new ways of viewing the role of the leader and the possibility of creating a drama-free workplace!”
“Cy’s No Ego approach simply works. We adopted her principles at a time of radical change in our industry and helped embed a no-nonsense mindset where our people learned to embrace their personal accountability, skip the drama, step-up to what’s next, and drive serious performance results, both personally and enterprise-wide.”
“The right book at the right time! In her brilliant new book, Cy Wakeman describes a leadership philosophy that puts an end to ego-driven leadership. Use her game-changing set of tools to drop the drama in your workplace and increase collaboration, innovation, and accountability.”
“Cy’s No Ego philosophies supply the actionable leadership tools and techniques that are empowering organizational accountability and transforming our cultural mindset from “why we can’t” into “how we can.”
“Years ago, a wise teacher told me that deep inside each of us are three fears: the fear that I’m incompetent, the fear that I’m insignificant, and the fear that I’m unlovable. These three fears run our lives. We are constantly defending ourselves against others who come too close to those fears. In the workplace, maintaining a chronic self-defensive posture causes endless drama, fault-finding, blame-shifting, gossip, and passive aggressive behavior. Cy Wakeman has studied this phenomenon in depth and has the antidote, which she outlines in this terrific new book “No Ego.” If you’re tired of all the drama and B.S. in your workplace, then this book is for you. Read it and reap … great results!”
“No Ego shows you all the ways you’ve been “doing it wrong” when it comes to traditional leadership ideas. The insights gained from this book are absolutely invaluable for anyone who wants to effectively grow a company.”
CY WAKEMAN is a drama researcher, international leadership speaker, and consultant. In 2001, she founded Reality-Based Leadership. She is the author of two books: Reality-Based Leadership: Ditch the Drama, Restore Sanity to the Workplace and Turn Excuses into Results (2010) and New York Times bestseller The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace: Know What Boosts Your Value, Kills Your Chances, and Will Make You Happier (2013). In 2017, she was named as one of the Top 30 Global Leadership Gurus by Global Gurus, a Top 100 Leadership Expert to follow on Twitter, and was deemed “the secret weapon to restoring sanity to the workplace.” She lives in Waterloo, NE.