Reality Leadership Blog

There were so many ‘ah-ha’ moments in your speech that almost made it sound too simple or drew the reaction of ‘why didn’t I think of that?’.  That’s when it really hit me that the change we need in our company can be as simple or as complicated as I allow it to be. 

While there were many high-points during your presentation, the most memorable ones were where you tailored your keynote just enough to remind us of how it all tied-in with the changes the [software company] was making behind the scenes.  Making whatever tiny adjustments to your speech to customize it for the audience made you seem much more credible as a speaker and that you were not there just to deliver the same slides and words as you do everywhere else.  Once I checked off your creditability-box, the keynote seemed as though you were talking to menot the other 270+ people in the room. 


Posted in by Cy Wakeman on June 11th, 2019.